A file is a semi-permanent, named collection of information.
- semi-permanent: Files are usually stored on magnetic disk
where they will remain for years even when the power is off.
Of course,
a file can be deleted (sometimes by accident) so they are semi-permanent,
not permanent.
- named: A file has a name that is used to find it when it is needed.
You probably know that MS Windows file names look like:
- mydata.txt
- doom.exe
- ... and so on
- collection of information: The purpose of a file is to contain a collection
of related information, such as a word processing document,
a program source file,
a spread sheet,
a data base, and so on.
Notice that this is a "conceptual" definition of what a file is.
It says what a file is and how it is used.
A file can be implemented in many different ways: as sections of a hard disk,
as sections of a floppy disk, as part of a magnetic tape,
and in other ways.